ホーム | -----F > Fourth Dimension RecordsV.A "Never Say When" [CD]

V.A "Never Say When" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Fourth Dimension Records

伝説的V.A作がボーナスバージョン仕様にて初CD化!!1987年にBroken FlagよりLP&カセットフォーマットにてリリース、現在も活動を続けるエクスペリメンタル及びノイズの重鎮/ベテランが集った伝説的コンピレーション[Never Say When]が38年越しでCDリイシュー。Ramlehをはじめ、Andrew Chalk、Giancarlo Toniutti、Controlled Bleeding、Cranioclastら、現在も新作リリースや過去音源の再発が続く人気作家が多く、本リイシュー版にはオリジナルのカセット版にしか収録されていなかった"The Grey Wolves"と"Mauro Teho Teardo"の音源も完全収録。お見逃し無く。

A limited edition CD reissue of this classic compilation album originally released by Gary Mundy's Broken Flag imprint in 1987. Remastered by Puppy38, this also features two bonus tracks not included on the LP but only previously found on the even rarer cassette, this is a timely reminder of this fantastic archive document full of artists mostly still active in one form or another.


Ramleh 'Bite The Bolster'
Uncommunity 'Ex-Nyhylo Nyhyl Fyt'
Cranioclast '...And Still the World Exists'
Total 'Face to Face in the Howling Night'
The Grey Wolves untitled
Controlled Bleeding 'Segments of the Body'
Andrew Chalk 'Thack'
Jonathan Briley 'The Hunter'
Giancarlo Toniutti 'Covar Peste in Cagna'
Mauro Teho Teardo 'Stefania Lobilunghi I Do'