ホーム | -----L > LAAPSThme "Anti Atlas" [CD]

Thme "Anti Atlas" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: LAAPS

パリを拠点に活動、Seil Records、Vaagner、Lontano Seriesといった実験からアンビエントを跨ぐ数種のレーベルに音源を残している、Theo Martinの個人変名thmeがフランスLAAPSに登場。聞いての通り荒い質感を特徴とする持続音を得意とする作家で、創作プロセスの中心である磁気テープを使いサウンドに脆さと脆弱性を吹き込む。派手な展開は一切無く、テープレコーダー間の相互作用で生じるフィードバックループが、ズッシリと重みのあるクラシカルなイメージとなって表れています。

• Glass mastered CD + pantone
• Digisleeve : white cardboard 300 gm
• Outside : x 1 adhesive glossy paper
• Inside : thick paper card + x 1 sticker
• Hand numbered, limited edition to 150 copies, sealed

Thme is the alias of Paris-based musician Théo Martin. He has released numerous albums on labels such as Seil Records, Vaagner, and Lontano Series, along with recent collaborations with artists Agyt and Lamasz.

Anti Atlas is Théo’s first solo work in two years. The use of magnetic tape remains central to his creative process, enabling him to infuse the sound with a sense of fragility and vulnerability, despite its inherent unpredictability. Feedback loops, emerging from the interactions between tape recorders, served as the guiding principle throughout the entire recording.
Longing, heartfelt aspirations, and the quiet hope that keeps us reaching for what lies ahead.