ホーム | -----I > I Shall Sing Until My Land Is FreeThe Dead Mauriacs "L’enigme Du Parc" [CD]

The Dead Mauriacs "L’enigme Du Parc" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: I Shall Sing Until My Land Is Free

当店激推しプロジェクト!!国内zappakやCalax Recordsからも出版をしている、シュルレアリスム的サウンド実験を得意とするThe Dead Mauriacs。大きく3パートに分割された2025年大作音源[L’enigme Du Parc]を入荷。無骨で生々しい物体音とフィールドレコーディングを多く使いプランダーフォニック〜エレクトロアコースティックと、相変わらず秀逸な構築でリスナーを困惑させる面白物件。

The mechanical gate, a rattling turnstile, opened onto the park, enclosed by symbolic gates just under a metre high, lined with hedges. Inside the park, sounds underwent a strange metamorphosis: they seemed muffled, as if unable to penetrate, as if repelled by the gates, the trees and the groves.

Outside, fireworks bounced between the buildings. The short duration of the reverberation gave the sound a tremor that derealised it, a short, stuttering vibration that isolated it and gave it a cold splendour.

The clamour of a parade showed the same alterations; snatches of voices emerged, a syllable, a word. The horizon of sound spiked, bristled, underwent a choppy friction that the wind shaped into jagged, torn jerks."

- Olivier Prieur