ホーム | -----I > InpolysonsLukas SIMONIS & Pierre BASTIEN "Zeldzame Mensen" [LP]

Lukas SIMONIS & Pierre BASTIEN "Zeldzame Mensen" [LP]

価格: 3,817円(税込)
Label: Inpolysons

20年以上の歳月を経て再び実現した共同録音!!音作家としてのキャリアは最早40年以上になる、創作楽器"メカニウム"でもお馴染みのフランスアヴァン界の伝説Pierre Bastien。80年代よりMichel BanabilaやRoel Meelkopといった本国オランダの重鎮勢と絡んできた即興ギタリストLukas Simonisとの、凡そ23年振りとなるコラボレーション音源を出版。硬いリズムを打ちつけつつ密度の高い音響を敷き詰めた7曲を収録、Pierre Bastienの作品群の中でも程よく狂気的且つ特殊な部類に入る面白物件。

Insane," or in French, "un truc de malade": expressions often used to describe a strange work of art, a daring piece of architecture, or an experimental piece of music. It’s a comment that should be taken figuratively: not necessarily pejorative, and most often even positive. In contrast, the music of this album reflects a "sick" theme in the true sense of the word, as the two protagonists chose to resume their twenty-year collaboration in the antechamber of a hematologist's office.

The album’s title should be understood in this sense: "rare people," not necessarily in their behavior, but rather in an exceptionally grim period of their lives. The music on this album is sometimes harsh, sometimes tender, but always filled with energy, despite the treatment it has undergone. Temporarily dubbed “Instant Songs,” the compositions were created and recorded in the moment, subject to free improvisation, leaving no chance for smoothing or refinement—resulting in rare music.