ホーム | -----P > Poo-Bah RecordsDennis Duck "Goes Disco" [CD]

Dennis Duck "Goes Disco" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Poo-Bah Records - 24252

オリジナルは友人にのみ20部程配布されたDennis Duckの1977年制作の激レアカセット[Dennis Duck Goes Disco]。既成音源を大胆に用い奇怪なループサウンドへと昇華させたヒップホップ的精神を感じるミニマル作。ブックレットにはオリジナルのアートワークを掲載。マスト。


Essential reissue of this LAFMS cassette-only release from 1977 -- the first in a series of archival LAFMS release from the label based in the store that was ground zero for the orginal movement to begin with -- Poo-Bah Records! Great booklet with new liner notes by Dennis, design by Tom Recchion. "Dennis Duck Goes Disco was originally released as a hand-made cassette in 1977. Only 20 were made, numbered and given to friends. The album was made entirely with a phonograph and records, utilizing skipping and pitch changes for most of the effects. In the 1970s amidst piles of disco 12"s, The Carpenters LPs, and Kiss records, emerged an idea: turntable manipulation. The concept had been used before and dates as early back as the '50s. Ace Farren Ford remembers collecting 'skips' on cassette tapes as early as '69 or '70 and DJ Kool Herc was said to have started scratching by at least 1973, so in 1977 a hand-made cassette produced with only records and a record player wasn't totally unusual. What was different was how Dennis used the turntable. His skills as a drummer combined with a pure understanding of sound and improvisation created a drum machine out of his record player. From loops that play out like he's using a sampler, to speaker confusing scrambles of squirrel music mayhem...