Edition Arcanumによる83年制作カセット[Elektronische Musik]が追加された2枚組拡張版が登場!! 1942年生まれのドイツのコンポーザー、音楽学者、教師Josef Otto Mundiglがプライベートプレスで残した1981年のレア音源。EMSを使い倒した70〜80年までの初期3作が収録されたアブストラクト電子音楽集。
Mr. P.C. C.P.’s handling of these two “Private-Press” "Elektronische Musik" outings - a 1981 LP, then a 1983 cassette, both with the same title, albeit with different material - both c/o the Internationales Musikstudio - aka the Nürnberg vinyl pressing plant - under the composer's "Edition Arcanum" banner. Both are abstract-synth & Musique Concrète stunners, comprised of pieces composed during the mid 70s & early 80s by “Elektronische Musik im Unterricht” & “Musik aus Strom : Eine Einfuhrung in die Elektronische Musik” author & instrument designer - famously, he built the prototype of the “Synthi E” variant for EMS-Steinberg ... but a trail of custom-built analog designs like the “Doppelringmodulator” are out there in the ether - Josef Otto Mundigl.
This material displays an instantly-grasp-able, deep knowledge of synthesizer function & mal-function - the sparse pacing(s), bubbling spring reverb-klang & wide stereo fields all harken to the WDR’s “Elektronische” roots ... even if, by this point in technology the instruments & systems being used were generations beyond the crude, post-war surplus of the 50s & 60s. 2017 edition includes everything from the LP & the cassette on two separate discs, housed in a "Gatefold" booklet.
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