名作!! 2005年リリースの廃盤タイトル[Elemental II]がなんと新たに内容を2011年夏の新録に変更して再リリース。演奏は奇妙な形をした自作エレクトリック・ベースを操るKasper T. Toeplitz。本当に演奏している?と疑ってしまう程の極小音量に始まり、徐々に明確となっていくお馴染みハードコアすぎる催眠ドローン。ラディーグのイメージを見事に音像化したベースソロ名演。
'Elemental II is the first ever piece Eliane Radigue wrote for an instrument, without any pre-recorded sounds, without the use of her ARP synthesiser. I took a very long time to convince her to do so, the piece was some two years or more in the making - discussing about the sound a mountain makes after the rain. The first recording was released just after the premiere of the piece, in 2004. In 2011, seven years later, after having played the piece more 30 times in concert, after having spend a long time with it, after having 'domesticated' it, it seemed interesting to rerecord it - something very common in classical music, but almost inexistant in those 'other', electronic, musics. However those musics also live, change, evolve ; the same score another point of wiev'.
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