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Peter Cusack "Sounds From Dangerous Places" [Book + 2CD]

価格: 3,927円(税込)
Label: ReR

70年代後半よりフィールドレコーディング作家として長い活動を続けている環境音収集家のPeter Cusack。鈴木昭男の諸作、また伝説のアートレコード・カタログBroken Musicを出版したDAADギャラリー久々の出版物であり、ReR Megacorpとの共同リリース作。タイトルからも分かる通り"環境汚染による危険地帯"に焦点を当てた作品。チェルノブイリの被害を受けた地域を始め、現在は廃墟と化した村々を全100以上のカラー写真でブックに掲載。CDにはその場所で採取した環境音が収録されており、廃墟に残されたピアノを鳴らす音、散らばった本をかき分け進む音など、生々しいスケッチ風サウンドを多数収録。非常に興味深い作品です。

Two CDs and a 90 page hardback book with photos, info and interviews from audio documenter and experimenter Peter Cusak, recording in Chernobyl, The Caspian Oilfields, and various dangerous locations in the UK. The Chernobyl disaster of 26th April 1986, was the realisation of all our fears of the nuclear industry, leading many countries to suspend their nuclear power programmes. Two and a half decades later, nuclear power is again reasserting itself, presented by governments and the industry as a ‘saviour strategy’—a response to the far more serious threats of carbon emissions and climate change. We all face a proliferating nuclear future. What insights can Chernobyl and its aftermath offer in this new situation? What has happened to the environment, nature, the regions and the people directly affected by the disaster in the twenty five years since?
On two trips to Chernobyl in May 2006 and July 2007, I made many location recordings in and around the ‘exclusion zone’ in Ukraine. These include sounds of wildlife, radiometer bleeps, eerie rooms in the ghost town of Pripyat, work that still goes on around the nuclear reactors, and songs and poems of the traditional people of the affected area. Their stories are in many respects the least known of the disaster.
The CD contains recordings of the sounds of work, electricity and radiometers; the abandoned town of Pripyat: Samosel villages; Chernobyl’s abundant wildlife; poems and songs by Chernobyl evacuees. Detailed track information, photos, translations from the Ukrainian of the poems, songs and conversations, plus an essay of thoughts and observations are in the accompanying book.