Label: Monotype Records - mono047
即興系で活動するベーシストであり楽器設計者でもある作家Eric Normand。ポーランドの実験レーベルMonotype Recordsからの2012年CD。主にハイテクな機器/ツールにて音制作を行う作家の様で、本作は自信のエレキベース&ハンドメイド・エレクトロニクス + 演奏家の友人のサポートで完成させた7作品。プロモーション映像の様に非常に無機質な電子音がランダムに蠢くという、かなりノイジーなエレクトロアコースティック。
"Éric Normand is a composer, improviser, bassist, instrument designer, and record and concert producer, all in one. He defines himself as an epidisciplinary musician, a free electron driven by its yearning for meetings. In his book, composition cannot exist without exchange, since composition consists in setting up a territory that will facilitate improvisation.The interlocutors who have taken part to his numerous composition and production projects are sound engineers, radio producers, musicians, and sound artists.