大名盤!!80年代イタリアの伝説的カルトプロジェクトXX Century Zorroが83年に残したLP[La Volpe Du XX Siecle]が遂にCD化!!ジャズを中心とした古い既存音源をほぼそのままに使用、左右ステレオで全く別の音素材が切れ目なく繰り返されるという、単なるコラージュとはひと味違う強力なアヴァン録音。なんとジャケットは全11種というかなり気合いの入った作品。傑作。
Cult project of the Italian 80's underground.
This is the first re-edition of this unique LP album into digital format.
Like Frank Sinatra dancing a tango with Nico..!?
Broken melodies full of nostalgia, dandy and gigolo fascination, B/W sounds, pre and post world war songs, music for an other era which will probably never come...
The disc was completely released with a special system called "MonSter" which was never re-used after this production by anybody else:
you can choose to listen to both stereo channels contemporarily (as you usually do with any other standard album) or to listen to one channel per time as different tracks was recorded on both stereo channels.
This system gives you infinite listening solutions just turning the stereo button more to the left or to the right channel …
The very special feeling in this album is his very oblique sensibility, an album to be listened in the morning, as soon as you wake up, when your balance is more delicate.
The album comes with 11 different Digifile covers and Label-prints.
All Paintings and Graphics by Quadreria Romatico Seriale
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