ホーム | -----O > OralEliane Radigue "Psi 847" [2CD]

Eliane Radigue "Psi 847" [2CD]

価格: 3,377円(税込)
Label: Oral - ORAL 57

復刻も多く手掛けているカナダのOralより発表されたラディーグの1972年作曲作品[Psi 847]。Lionel Marchettiがパフォーマンス/マスタリングを行っており、ディスク1にはコンサートバージョンを、そしてディスク2にはスタジオバージョンを収録。24ページのブックレットが付属する特殊スリーヴ。マスト。

During the 1950s, Radigue drew her first substantial nourishment as a composer from the innovations of musique concrete. Previously, she had played the twelve tone game, but found it unfulfilling. Then, while working as Pierre Henry's assistant, she chanced upon electronic feedback effects. "I was absolutely fascinated," Radigue remarks in a telephone interview, "not only by the sounds but by their behavior. With the tape recorders of that period, a little defect could bring interesting results. I found this garbage of sounds very expressive."

... Radigue embarked on her own course, turning her attention to synthesizers which allowed easier building of the sounds she required. An ARP analog synthesizer has remained her chosen means to make music, although for 25 years her style has been Minimalist. PSI 847 was her breakthrough piece - for the first time her musical conception was closely matched in execution over 80 minutes of sustained, gentle sound.
"The duration was just a matter of the necessary time I had to go through in order to reach what was my real goal," she explains, "which is still my goal, a very slow changing process within the sound itself. Something which is not external to the sound." She feels that the nature of her chosen synthesizer's modular system grants her "access within the flesh of the sounds".