ホーム | -----E > ElicaVitamin B12 "Two 10" Gatefold Set" [2 x 10"]

Vitamin B12 "Two 10" Gatefold Set" [2 x 10"]

価格: 2,937円(税込)
Label: Elica - 3VL3708

自主レーベルから多くのLP作品を発表、2004年にはイタリアQbicoより[Other Worlds]を発表している(実は日本の演歌ファンでもある)イギリスのコラージュ作家Vitamin B12!!リュック・フェラーリ、Jean Guerin、Andre Almuroなど、マニアックな電子音楽の発掘を手掛けるElicaがリリースした10インチ2枚組。脱力系シンセ、生活音、針飛びノイズ、etc....多くの素材を乱暴にブチまけていく、まさしくジャケ写のような万華鏡世界のイメージ。非常に面白い作風。ゲートフォールドスリーブ。


More catchy than Dlin Dlon Cowboy. The Vitamin B12's music maintains an ingenious home-made sound in a refined bric-a-brac of experimental sound explorations, adventurous and successful juxtapositions and playful melodies and structures. This set presents 24 kaleidoscopic miniatures, like the images which adorn the cover, assembled with amazingly gracious do-it-yourself pop sensibility, groovy lounge tendencies and a passionate curiosity for noise and sound modification.

The history of The Vitamin B12 remains a mystery for us too, so that not many words can be written on that. This is its first album which is not self-released, following an obscure four-LP box set and an even more obscure double LP set, which were mysteriously released in tiny editions in England in the last decade or so.