約20年もの間、実験音楽シーンの第一線で活動を続けている人気アーティストKevin Drummの6枚組ボックス!!結構前から噂されていた作品で、内容は2012年から2016年という近年の録音だけで統一。殆どが初出の音源ですが、2013年[Tannenbaum]の限定50部スペシャル版に付属したカセット音源、Hospital Productionsの豪華ボックスに収録された[Middle Of Nothing]、Editions Megoの2014年カセット[Shut In]の20部だけに付属したCD-Rなど、今や激レアとなっている音源数種も収録。マスタリングはGiuseppe Ielasi。
Since his emergence in the experimental music scene, about 20 years ago now, Kevin Drumm has perpetually shaken up conventions of various sub-genres with his major albums, for example, shifting from the tabletop/prepared guitar with his first self-titled album, to noise with Sheer Hell Miasma, to ambient/drone with Imperial Distortion. He has been notably prolific recently, with numerous self-released cdr and digital releases.
Elapsed Time is a collection of some of these recent works, dating from 2012 to 2016: desolate ambient drone (Middle Of Nothing, February), "cassette tape music" or raw musique concrete (Earrach, The Whole House), computer assisted live electronics and rough spectral music (Crooked Abode, Bolero Muter), with additional tracks from Tannenbaum and Shut-In.
This boxset documents one of the key figures of today american avant-garde at his peak of creativity.
Nicely remastered by Giuseppe Ielasi for an optimal listening experience (hifi system recommended).
1-1: Recorded Summer 2015 at Narrow Territory, Chicago Il.
1-2: Recorded May 2016 at Unhinged Spectrum, chicago Il.
2-1: Recorded June/July 2015 at Immobile, Chicago Il.
2-2 to 2-5: Released as a double cassette in an edition of 50 copies alongside Tannenbaum. Recorded Winter 2012 at Current Nuns, Chicago Il.
3-1: Recorded in June 2015 at Seeing Red Studio, Chicago Il.
3-2: Cassette Tape Music. Double cdr release from spring 2013. Recorded at Caisead Fusillade, Chicago Il.
4-1: Recorded Feb 2016 at Tilted View, Nowhere Il.
4-2: Recorded July 2015 at Sines Everywhere, Chicago, Il.
5-1 to 5-3: Private Home Sound Installation Series 1
5-4: Released on A Bird's Eye View Into A Machiavellian World Of Secrecy. Recorded 2013 at Mound of Questions, Chicago Il.
6-1, 6-2: Released as a bonus cdr with the first 20 copies of Shut-in. Recorded Fall 2013 at Unprincipled Inertia Studio, Illinois.
6-3, 6-4: 'Location' recordings in the homestead captured with a moody Radio Shack CTR-112 cassette recorder. No instruments, no EVP Rorshach beeswax. Recorded in 2012 at Nestbeschmutzer Mobile, Chicago Il.
Illustrations: Gustave Doré from The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge (New York, Harper & Brothers, 1884).
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