Peter Tscherkasskyがオーストリアの最も優れた映像作家として激賞する、1988年に50歳の若さで他界したオーストリアのフィルムメーカーErnst Schmidt jr.による初のDVD作品!!60年代より実験ドキュメンタリー、エクスパンデッド・シネマ、アブストラクトフィルム、またウィーンアクショニスムのパフォーマンス等も撮影していた人物で、本作は氏の1964〜1979年までの作品を収録。最初期64~65年の[Stones]だけが長編となっており、他は短編映像、またアクショニスムのパフォーマンスを素材とした全20からなるショートフィルム(これがかなりヤバイ!!)。ヘルマン・ニッチュの儀式、ミュール、ブルスの下劣極まりないグッチャグチャの現場もちゃんと入ってます。激激オススメ。
If I had to name a single Austrian filmmaker who to this day has not received the international recognition deserved for the artistic level his work attained, I would unhesitatingly name him. When he died in 1988 at the early age of 50, Ernst Schmidt Jr. left behind a body of work that could hardly be more multifaceted, including experimental documentary films, material films, expanded cinema, abstract films, project films, conceptual films, Lettrist text films, compilation films, and a feature length dramatic film. The catalogue of a posthumous exhibit at the Vienna Secession in 2001 and his home page (initiated and maintained by his half brother Helmut Benedikt) encompasses close to 100 works. In 1980 Schmidt Jr. drew from this abundance to create a compilation of films entitled 20 Aktions- und Destruktionsfilme 1965-1979. This compilation is now available for the first time on DVD. (Peter Tscherkassky)
1. Steine / Stones 1964/65, 16mm, b&w, 30 min (with English subtitles)
2. 20 Aktions- und Destruktionsfilme 1965-1979:
2.8 Gesammelt von Wendy / Collected by Wendy 1978/79, 16mm, color, silent, 1 min
2.9 Eine Subgeschichte des Films / A Subhistory of Film 1974, 16mm, b&w, silent, 2 min. All photographs by Hans Scheugl and Ernst Schmidt Jr.
2.10 Denkakt / The Act of Thinking 1968, 16mm, b&w, sound, 4 min, Voice & Actor: Peter Weibel
2.11 Mein Begräbnis ein Erlebnis / My Funeral an Experience 1977, 16mm, b&w, silent, 2 min, Actress: Sara Suranyi
2.12 12 Uhr Mittags - High Noon 1977, 16mm, color, sound, 4 min, Music: Wolfgang Ernst and Susi D., Actress: Sara Suranyi
2.13 The Merry Widow 1977, 16mm, b&w, sound, 2 min, Music: Wolfgang Ernst and Susi D., Actress: Sara Suranyi
2.14 Gertrude Stein hätte Chaplin gerne in einem Film gesehen, in dem dieser nichts anderes zu tun hätte, als eine Straße entlang und dann
um eine Ecke zu gehen, darauf die nächste Ecke zu umwandern und so weiter von Ecke zu Ecke / Gertrude Stein would have liked to
have seen Chaplin in a film where he would have nothing other to do than walk on the street and then go around a corner, and then
around the next corner, etc. from corner to corner 1979, 16mm, b&w and color, silent, 3 min, Actress: Brigitte Kowanz
2.15 N 1978, 16mm, b&w, sound, 6 min, Action and Music by Hermann Nitsch
2.16 Kunst & Revolution / Art & Revolution 1968, 16mm, b&w and color, silent, 2 min, Actions by Günter Brus, Otto Muehl, Peter Weibel, Oswald
Wiener among others
2.17 Bodybuilding 1965/66, 16mm, color, sound, 9 min, Action by Otto Muehl
2.18 Einszweidrei / Onetwothree 1965-1968, 16mm, color, sound, 8 min, Camera: Walter Funda, Ernst Schmidt Jr., Peter Fluger, Hans Scheugl,
Actions by Otto Muehl, Peter Weibel, Valie Export
2.19 Filmreste / Film Scraps 1966, 16mm, b&w, sound, 10 min, Action by Otto Muehl
2.20 Farbfilm / Color Film 1967, 16mm, color, sound, 1 min
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