出身地であるニューヨークを拠点に79年から活動を開始、No WaveグループTeenage Jesus And The Jerksへの参加でも知られる女性パフォーマーLydia Lunchと、Dirter Promotions、Beta-lactam Ringよりダークなエレクトロニクス作を発表しているフランスの中堅Philippe PetitによるCD+DVDのデュオ作!!Lydiaのオドロオドロしいスポークン・ワードを中心にPetitがターンテーブル&ラップトップでドローン・ノイズを被せる、とにかく底なしに暗いナイトメアな世界観。ビジュアル的にもその世界を確認出来るDVDの内容が凄まじい。NWW系ファンにもオススメです。(サンプル動画は同パフォーマンスの2011年版となります。実際に収録されているものは2009年マルセイユでの公演で、更に作り込まれた内容となっております。)
Lydia Lunch (vocals / guitar) & Philippe Petit (turntables / electronics). Under the groove and beyond psycho-ambience... A thrilling pulse of blood beats... Lydia Lunch has for the past 3 decades forged a unique body of work that bares testimony to a creative schizophrenia which encompasses Twist of Fate film, poetry, the spoken & written word, music and photography. She was voted by Time out New York as one of the most influential performers originating from NYC and has worked with dozens of musical renegades including Sonic Youth, Omar Rodriguez-Lopez, Nick Cave and Einstürzende Neubauten. Lydia continues to tour the world appearing at literature, poetry and music festivals. Her live performances incorporate photography, video and music inviting listeners to dissolve into a filmic universe of primal urge and emotional release. Lydia recently joined forces with Philippe Petit to create the hauntingly beautiful song cycle Twist of fate. A musical journey which marries dark experimental soundscapes to an intoxicating voice ripe with intrigue and innuendo. Philippe Petit uses turntables and laptops to build up electronic layers and take advantage of vinyl material to fondle released sounds. A journalist for various magazines and radio as well as a musical activist, Petit now celebrates his 25th year of sharing his musical passions. He is a musical travel-agent, sound reconstructionist and an active member of Strings of consciousness who have worked with notable luminaries such as Foetus, Kumo, Scott McCloud (Girls Against Boys), Cosey Fanni Tutti, My Brightest Diamond, Sybarite, Pantaleimon, Graham Lewis (Wire), Barry Adamson, Scanner, Mira Calix, Kammerflimmer Kollektief, Guapo, Leafcutter John, Simon Fisher Turner, Justin Broadrick and many more... Petit has done numerous solo performances around the world manipulating sounds to create other worldly atmospheres which envelop the listeners into a rich noir of psycho-ambience. His latest project Twist of fat is a collaboration with Lydia Lunch, a provocative journey into the dark groove of endless night where possibility, mystery and mania entwine the listener into a deep cocoon of sound and voice.
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