中古市場にもなかなか出ない86年プライベートカセット[The Referee Has Vanished]を追加した2枚組拡張版!! 個人的にオリジナル盤をかなり聴き込んだアメリカの作曲家Jack Tamulが80年に残したミニマル電子音楽の名盤[Electro/Acoustic]。特定パターンを軸にシンセをゆっくりと重ねていく、感覚的に且つユルく浸れる恍惚な電子持続音。古典的なミニマルミュージックファンにも是非。
Lovely set of tape-music by composer Jack Tamul, issued in 1980 by Spectrum - not the Wergo sub-label, but the same Bear Mountain-area powerhouse that released William Hoskins’ “Galactic Fantasy” & William Strickland’s “An Electronic Visit to the Zoo” the year prior - “recorded at the Jacksonville Museum of Arts & Sciences."
Starting with a series of pieces incorporating acoustic materials: “Genesis” is a choir piece peppered with synthesizer & tape-manipulation; “Lament for Gettysburg” is purely choral; “Canon Cancrizans” is a pure tape-work utilizing accordion sounds, the pieces progress towards the fully-electronic, with a trilogy of fine synth-based constructs - the sleeve lists the gear used in exacting detail: Prophet 5, Arp 2600, Moog satellite ... and a bevy of “modifiers and miscellany” - offering a range of motifs from “Fantasia” ‘s eerily prescient synth-drones - seriously, if someone played me this claiming it to be a new Spectrum Spools release, I’d believe it wholesale - to “Mogul” ‘s rather Dockstader-esque constructs, to “Wave Rhapsody” ‘s woozy slow oscillations.
This 2017 edition adds far more to the picture; included at the end of the first disc is the entirety of Jack's private-issue 80s tape "The Referee Has Vanished", featuring further choral pieces, synthesizer drones & tape-work. Plus, the Creel Pone PTB have tracked down a print of the ultra-obscure Floridian mid-70s genre (rubber-suit monster) flic "Zaat", to which Jack contributed a series of Modular Synth burbles predating most of the material on either the LP or the tape; included here on a second disc is a sampling of his superlative sound-design directions & eerie sub-aquatic burble.
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