ホーム | -----M > Mutter Wild Rodger Stella "Rare Cuts 2" [6 × Cassette]

Rodger Stella "Rare Cuts 2" [6 × Cassette]

価格: 7,667円(税込)
Label: Mutter Wild

入手可能な内に是非!! Macronymphaでもお馴染みRodger Stellaの未発表音源だけを纏めた6本組みのカセットボックス。こちらはテープコレクション第二弾。90年代〜2000年代初頭までの[Resin]、[Nem]、[FZ Tape]、[Theremin]、[SF/Pittsburgh]、[Kosmische Dub]という非常にレアな音源で構成されています。Macronympha諸作も発表している自身のMutter Wildからのアーカイヴ物件。


RODGER STELLA Rare Cuts 2 (Mutter Wild)
Second 6 tape collection of rare and unreleased recordings dating back to the early 1990's. Collects full tracks previously only heard in fragments and layered mixes on Macronympha releases including Grind, Pittsburgh, PA, Cut-Ups Drones and Other Weird and solo releases Foucault Zombie, Electric Zodiac 2(tape version), Kosmische Dub and various One Dark Eye titles along with totally unreleased material recorded in San Francisco in the late 1990's/early 2000's. Tape manipulation, theremin, loops, electronics and field recordings familiar from various releases are extended and laid bare in their original form. 3 c20's and 3 c47's in white vinyl box(same type as the original Rare Cuts set).