ホーム | -----I > IndexPeter Weibel "Korperaktionen Bodyworks 1967 - 2003" [PAL DVD]

Peter Weibel "Korperaktionen Bodyworks 1967 - 2003" [PAL DVD]

価格: 4,037円(税込)
Label: Index


Peter Weibel's performances differentiate themselves from other actions performed in the 1960s, for instance in Vienna and California, firstly, through their relation to media and secondly, through their relation to politics. His body politics is body critique that is simultaneously a critique of traditional forms of representation as well as identity politics. Unlike classical body artists Weibel did not only search fort he emancipation of the body, for instance through the sexual revolution but liberation from the body in the age of its constructability via media and gene technology. (Peter Weibel)

- Fingerprint (1968, 2:04 Min)
- Nüstern / Nostrils (1969, 33 Sec)
- Lüstern / Lascivious (1969, 33 Sec)
- Augentexte / Eye Texts (1974, 1:10 Min)
- Mundtext / Mouth Text (1974, 42 Sec)
- Stirntext / Forehead Text (1974, 20 Sec)
- Das Recht Mit Füßen Treten / Trampling On Rights (1967/68, 1:14 Min)
- Lösung Der Phantasie / Solution Of Fantasy (1972, 2:20 Min)
- Wie Hat Sich Aus Den Fischen Die Mathematik Entwickelt? / How Did Mathematics Evolve From The Fish? (1971, 54 Sec)
- Kunst Und Revolution: Brandrede / Art And Revolution: Incendiary Speech (1968, 33 Sec)
- Fluidum Und Eigentum: Körperverhältnisse Als Eigentumsmaße / Fluidum And Property: Body Relations As Measure Of Property (1971/72, 3:36 Min)
- Grüß Gott / Greet God (1967/72, 1:06 Min)
- Kokain(E) / Cocain(E) (1972, 2:05 Min)
- Rekonstruktion Der Stoppagesétalon (1913/14) Von Marcel Duchamp / Reconstruction Of Stoppages-Étalon (1913/14) By Marcel Duchamp (1970/71, 49 Sec)
- Denkakt / Thinkact (1967, 3:54 Min)
- Vulkanologie Der Emotionen / Vulcanology Of The Emotions (1971/73, 7:18 Min)
- Aktbesprechung Oder Inverses Selbstporträt / Review Of The Nude Or Inverse Self-Portrait (1975/76, 19:01 Min)
- Switcher Sex (1972, 5:35 Min)
- Venus Im Pelz / Venus In Furs (2003, 4:31 Min)
- Vers Und Vernunft / Rhyme And Reason (1978, 19:16 Min)
- Aus Der Mappe Der Hundigkeit / From The Portfolio Of Doggedness (1968/69, 1:39 Min)
- Zeitblut - Blutglocke / Timeblood - Bloodbell (1972/79/83, 16:49 Min)