ホーム | -----W > Winds Measure RecordingsDavid Papapostolou "Contrastes (Dispositifs D'écoute; C'est Moi Qui Souligne)" [CD]

David Papapostolou "Contrastes (Dispositifs D'écoute; C'est Moi Qui Souligne)" [CD]

価格: 1,947円(税込)
Label: Winds Measure Recordings - wm32

Another TimbreやAuthorised Versionなどのコンテンポラリー/サウンドアート系から出版をしながら、未知の作家が30名程関与する謎多きプロジェクトVitamin B12にも参加したりしているDavid Papapostolou。とある文学書に触発されて制作したというフィールドレコーディングをベースとした3編のコンレート。色も無く、徐々に潜っていくかの様なトラック編成が面白い。Ben Owenのレタープレススリーヴ。


david papapostolou contrastes (dispositifs d'écoute / c'est moi qui souligne)
edition: 300

2 color, 1 blind letterpress sleeve
designed with david papapostolou and printed by ben owen
release date: april 15, 2013

mastered by giuseppe ielasi

contraste 1 13'49
contraste 2 13'49
contraste 3 13'49

contrastes (dispositifs d'écoute; c'est moi qui souligne)
"dispositifs d'écoute" refers to the interaction of the pieces with the listener's immediate sound environment, and how that shapes the overall listening experience.

"c'est moi qui souligne" is a literary expression used by authors quoting someone else's text and highlighting a particular section: the highlights/italics are mine. This
addresses the question of authorship in the context of the listening situation described above: although the listening experience is mediated by a sound environment
and pre-existing conditions beyond my control, it is clear that adding those particular sounds to an existing environment is a pre-determined situation set out by
myself. Therefore my suggestively is ever present; despite the many layers of chance operations at play in the making of these pieces, and no matter how hard the
man who had nothing to say tried to make sure sounds were only sounds.
david papapostolou - april 30, 2012