ホーム | -----E > Entr'acteKyle Bruckmann "Technological Music Vol. 2" [CD]

Kyle Bruckmann "Technological Music Vol. 2" [CD]

価格: 1,947円(税込)
Label: Entr'acte - E192

ジャズ&現音系のオーボエ奏者でありながら結構ムチャクチャな電子音作品も発表しているKyle Bruckmann。2013年にここEntr'acteから出した[Technological Music]の続編に当たるvol.2がリリース。今回は前作程の雑多な感じがなくエッジのキツい断片でガチガチのビート&ループを組み上げていく。この人のこういったアプローチは毎回面白い。

A series of calculated disasters wherein compositional
intent is exercised to varying degrees before and/or
after the moment of performance. The Irreproducible
Results are single-pass, unedited improvisations
featuring borrowed gear configured to maximise
complexity and minimise predictability. The remainder
are heavily edited constructions utilising detritus of
the aforementioned experiments, with the Pulse
Matrices continuing a game of formal telephone
begun on Vol. 1.
Tools include oboe, English horn, heckelphone,
baritone oboe, microphones, and analogue synthesis.
Many thanks to Lance Grabmiller, Matt Ingalls,
Scott Goff, Ernst Karel, Niko Wenner, and the
San Francisco Contemporary Music Players.