ホーム | -----K > KlanggalerieV.A "Mysterious Kitchens" [CD]

V.A "Mysterious Kitchens" [CD]

価格: 2,607円(税込)
Label: Klanggalerie

これは素晴らしい再発!!オリジナルはほぼ入手困難な激レア・カルトV.Aが初CD化!!1979年に設立されたオーストラリアの初期インダストリアル/実験カセットレーベルTerse Tapesから1980年に出版、謎多きユニットが多く参加した伝説的カルトV.A[Mysterious Kitchens]がまさかのCD化!!様々なグループによるコンピレーション作として打ち出されていたものの、実は10人の演奏家が様々と編成を変え録音していたという面白コンセプトな作品であり、スカスカな電子音楽やらひしゃげたポストパンク、謎素材のコラージュ等々、歪んだユーモアセンスの楽曲が満載。

A special delicacy for all you Severed Heads fans: In th 1980s the cassette was a much desired format. They were cheap, inexpensive to buy, easy to duplicate and manageable for less technically skilled people, too. The sound was raw and hissy, encouraging raw and hissy ideas. If you couldn't afford to have a vinyl LP pressed, you could still get heard. It was the most DIY product ever. Terse Tapes was one the first cassette labels in Australia ever, although the label started with two vinyl releases. Bands like Severed Heads soon found vinyl production too slow - by the time an album was finished, they had recorded much more music and has changed stylistically. Mysterious Kitchens was billed as a various artists compilation, but in reality it was a group of ten friends that swapped roles and instruments as the mood took them. Future Severed Heads members are here under obvious multiple band names. Wet Taxis are the only real band on the album. Many other participants formed their own groups later. In 1980, shops were kind to Terse Tapes. They hung their cassette releases on shop walls and so encouraged other people to start their own DIY labels. This is the first ever CD release of this legendary "compilation" album. It is, of course, more of a Severed Heads release.