自主レーベルIllusion Productionを軸に多くの音源出版を続けた、Jean-Luc Andre、Jean-Philippe Fee、Sylvie Martineauらによって77年に結成されたフランスの伝説的エクスペリメンタル・グループDDAA。オリジナルは1988年に英Big Noise In Archgateから10インチレコードにて出版された、当時のコンピレーション提供を纏めた上げた音源[When A Cap Is Raising]の大幅拡張CDリイシュー版!!なんと同時代の録音7トラックが追加されたもはや別物と言える一枚に仕上がっており、冒頭からラストまであの予測不能なひしゃげたセッションがダラダラと続きます。2022年リマスター仕様。
Jean-Luc André, Sylvie Martineau-Fee and Jean-Philippe Fee started DDAA (Deficit Des Annees Anterieures) in 1977. They are pioneers of the French experimental and indie scene, also connected with Industrial 80s music and audiovisual projects. Approaching music in a completely unique way, and brilliantly produced by their own Illusion Production label (with more 40 published items), DDAA was and is undoubtedly one of the most legendary groups of the French underground for the past 30 years. Their early albums are classics - the self-titled debut, Action and Japanese Demonstration or Les Ambulants (re-issued and still available on Klanggalerie) are a must-have for every connoisseur of usual music. They appeared on the compilation album of music by outsider artist Adolf Wölfli alongside Nurse With Wound and Graeme Revell of SPK. The 10" album When A Cap Is Raising came out originally in 1988 on UK label Big Noise in Archgate. For this re-issue, the band has remastered the music and added bonus tracks from the compilation album Objet, and other sources, some previously unavailable.
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