ホーム | -----S > SuppedaneumCarol Genetti / Gwyneth Zeleny Anderson «CHYME» [CD-R + Score]

Carol Genetti / Gwyneth Zeleny Anderson «CHYME» [CD-R + Score]

価格: 3,047円(税込)
Label: Suppedaneum - Suppedaneum16

廃盤。前リリースから約1年振りとなるJoseph Clayton Mills主宰のSuppedaneum新作。ボーカリストにしてインスタレーションアーティストのCarol GenettiとGwyneth Zeleny Anderson、二人の女性作家が共同で制作した激シブなボイスもの録音。Andersonによるリスニングスコアを使い、Genettiが自身の声を他の物体(チューブ等)に伝え特殊な音響として記録する拡張音声ミックス。エグい音響詩的要素から気持ちの良いハミングまでと本当に面白い音が響いてます。特殊なビニールポーチにアコーディオン式の様な4つのリスニングスコア、情報シートが封入された特殊装丁もの。

organs. Similarly, Chyme aims to digest the boundaries between performer and audience, human and environment, power and passivity, and sound and body.

Genetti's pieces act as an evisceration of sound from the body, blurring the edge between her individuality and the environment around her. Yet instead of disembodying the voice completely, she reembodies it, as the sound waves are poured into other bodies –– tubes and piano housing — to mix and create a different type of extended voice. These sounds are then processed through electronic postproduction studio techniques, resulting in immersive shifting layers of sound textures that nonetheless retain the ineradicable grain of her voice.

Rather than a composition for generating sounds, Anderson's listening scores provide a visual framework for perceiving Genetti's compositions: screen printed marks and text prompt the listener to engage with the audio in different sensory and conceptual ways. Layers of color shift and lose alignment along a trajectory marked in time code as the intricately folded scores emulate the folds of the small intestines.

This release, presented together in an organ-like vinyl pouch, includes a glass-mastered CD containing four pieces by Genetti, one copy of each of the four listening scores by Anderson, and an additional informational sheet providing credits and track listing.

This is Suppedaneum no. 16.

1. Prompt [4:20]
2. Transference [11:20]
3. Transference Coda [5:40]
4. Tubes - Voice [15:30]