ホーム | -----G > Gods Of TundraSobering "Party Goer" [Cassette]

Sobering "Party Goer" [Cassette]

価格: 1,067円(税込)
Label: Gods Of Tundra

Mike Connellyのアヴァン/ノイズ系カセットレーベルGods Of Tundra。ブラックのジッパー付き袋にカセットとインサートが封入された怪し過ぎる仕様。このレーベルが一押しするjacksonという若手?のノイズプロジェクトSoberingのデビューカセット。


parties can be fucked. i met jackson, the man behind this brand new full on noise project sobering, at a super fucked party. hair police and awesome color were on the bill along with sobering. it was a house party in fayetteville, arkansas. the gig moved along more or less smooth...it was after the sounds that the weirdness began. jackson and i were outside on the porch shooting the shit. the rest of the crew went up on the roof of the house to hang out. when we all decided to go back into the house, no one was there. no one. not the people who lived there, not the people who put on the show,not the people who came to the show. no one. it was around 2am. the house was dark and empty save for hp, ac and sobering. we decided to put on index s/t on the stereo and embrace this strange situation. after a bit, we crashed. we were torn out of sleep a few hours later by a strange guy who had wandered into the house. he was beyond wasted. he smoked cigarettes. he tripped over allison. he passed out on the hardwood floor. then he began to snore. violently. the hardwoord floor was shaking. it was light out. i went to the van to try to sleep. allison tried on the porch. don't know what the others did. we never found out who the guy was or what the hell happened to everyone. this tape is the soundtrack to a party gone wrong.