ホーム | -----Z > Zoharum NIMH "Early Electronic Works – Caustic​/​Composite" [2CD]

NIMH "Early Electronic Works – Caustic​/​Composite" [2CD]

価格: 3,157円(税込)
Label: Zoharum

素晴らしい内容!!初期のエレクトロニクスワークを纏めた2CD!!1965年ローマ出身、94年にエレクトロニック・ミュージックの演奏を開始、96年にタイのサムイ島に移り住み民族音楽/楽器に魅了され自身の音楽に導入する様になるNimhことGiuseppe Verticchio。Maurizio Bianchi、Mauthausen Orchestra、Aubeともコラボレーションを行なっていた人物であり、本作は90年代に録音されていた2つの電子ドローン[Caustic] & [Composite]を纏めたアーカイヴ。オーバーダブやリワーク無しのダイレクトなライブ録音を収録、鬼気迫る程に研磨された持続音の美しさに間違いなくヤラレます。

Since the first half of the 1990s, Giuseppe Verticchio/Nimh began to explore the territories of sound experimentation, alternating and integrating the use of electronic synthesisers, effects, software, ethnic instruments and sound objects of various kinds.
In "Early Electronic Works" two obscure unpublished works of a purely electronic nature have been collected, "Caustic" and "Composite", recorded at different times during those years.
These are recordings made live, without overdubs or subsequent reworking, in which the sound of electronic equipment is expressed in all its instinctive and immediate power, giving an evocative insight into the early years of sound experimentation of Giuseppe Verticchio.
Finally, at least a part of those significant but "forgotten" sound archives has seen the light of day thanks to the publication of the present "Early Electronic Works".