安定した出版ペースにて頑張っているカナダのレーベルcaduc.系の二者Mathieu Ruhlmann & Chris Strickland。意外にも音でのセッションはコレが初。全く異なる風景/音素材をVHSデッキやオープンリールを用い有機的な音響へと連結させた、淡くて且つどこか恐ろしいサウンドスケープもの。caduc.を好まれる方は是非。
This Heap Is Greater Light is the result of an eight month intensive collaboration between Canadian electro-acoustic composers Mathieu Ruhlmann and Chris Strickland. The result is a methodical crushing of disparate times, materials, and environments into a continuous organic flux. The pieces on this album explore intensity and quietude, noise and tonality. They incorporate field recordings, digital synthesis, classical instruments, and a sundry of everyday occurrences using reel to reel tape machines and VCR decks. This Heap Is Greater Light is a perplexing and highly-detailed work of dream-like music concrete.
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