ホーム | -----F > Fun MusicPhilip Perkins "At the Other End of the Day" [CD]

Philip Perkins "At the Other End of the Day" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Fun Music - FunN1

主にドキュメンタリー映画のサントラなど1960年代中頃から実験的な音制作に関わり、サウンドエンジニアとしてThe Residentsにも関与、音楽家としてもCarl Stoneなどとコラボレートしていた大ベテラン作曲家Philip Perkins。2000年代以降の近作を入荷!!自身のFun Musicリリース再始動の一発目となった2005〜2008年録音作[At The Other End Of The Day]。副題にインプロヴィゼーションとありますが、日常風景を即興的に且つ音楽的に組み立てた完全なるコンクレートもの。疾走感も強く只々カッコイイ。


Sound works from real life. To me this collection has a dreamy kind of resignation to it, born of listening to quotidian sounds and then willing them into unfamiliarity, accomplished by recording them with a very low-fi device and then further de-fidelifying them w/ simple musique concrete tricks. Hopefully, they are kind of like being in a crowd and pretending you don't understand the language--everything is strange and new again. Special thanks to Guy Orcutt, who inspired these works, and to my family, who put up with me recording and making them.