ホーム | -----R > Re:VoirSuzan Pitt "Animated Films" [DVD]

Suzan Pitt "Animated Films" [DVD]

価格: 3,597円(税込)
Label: Re:Voir

遂に単独DVD化!!個人的にも思い入れが強い1979年の名作サイケデリックフィルム[Asparagus]を含むSuzan Pittの1979~2013年までの諸作が纏められたDVD作品!!更に2006年の33分のフィルムがボーナスで追加されたとんでもなくお得な版。[Asparagus]のサントラを手掛けたのはMusica Elettronica Viva(MEV)のRichard Teitelbaumで、プレイヤーとしてGeorge Lewis、Steve Lacy、そして意外と知られていないのがなんと小杉武久までが参加しています。マイナーキーで埋め尽くす不穏なシンセ + 濃密即興は映画イメージそのまま。お見逃しなく。

Pitt’s work is like a dream. Things exist out of proportion, shapes shift, characters emerge and then disappear. But like any dream, they also exist with a backbone of reality, and in every way celebrate the things that make life such a mixed bag of joy and sorrow. They are amazing works of art, and for any fan of animation or unique cinematic experiences, they are not to be missed.
-Steven Snyder - TimeOut

Asparagus clearly represents a major achievement of contemporary animated cinema. It is a measure of its audacity, profound honesty, and uncompromising personal vision that it begins with an act of defecation and ends with fellacio, metaphors in this instance of spent and renewed creative impulses.
-Amos Vogel - Film Comment

It’s safe to say the legendarily absurdist Luis Buñuel might have sparked to the sordid, gruesome charms of renowned animator Suzan Pitt’s short El Doctor. A trippy, magic-realist expedition through the mind of a pickled old Mexican doctor on his regret-filled last day on Earth, El Doctor makes rich use of Pitt’s hand-drawn movement technique: her squirmy human (and nonhuman) forms wiggle in the frame like a bacteria party in a festive petri dish.
-Robert Abele - LA Times

Asparagus - 1979, 20 min, 35mm
Joy Street - 1995, 24 min, 35mm
El Doctor - 2006, 23 min, 35mm & video
Visitation - 2012, 12min, video
Pinball - 2013, 7min, video
BONUS: Persistence of Vision, a film by Blue And Laura Kraning - 2006, 33min