廃盤1st音源がリマスター仕様で再発!!LP版はDLコード&インサート付き!!凄まじいクオリティの装丁&内容で知られるグラフィックスコア・シリーズ"Framework"、その他諸作においても素晴らしい音楽性を提示し続けているデンマーク孤高の作家Mads Emil Nielsen。2014年に本国Plant Migrationから氏の最初のソロ作として出版されたカセット音源[PM016]をリマスター、新たな2020年エディションとして再発したのがコレ!!オーケストラから採取した短い音ネタ、パーカッション・サンプルを使用、舞台音楽やサウンドトラック的イメージで作り上げた氏のメロディックな側面を前面に押し出した4曲。非常にクールな音響です。45回転盤。
arbitrary presents the 2020 remaster & vinyl reissue of PM016 by Danish musician Mads Emil Nielsen, re-mastered and cut by Kassian Troyer, with cover artwork by visual artist Dane Patterson.
Originally released as limited edition C30 tape on Plant Migration Records in 2014, the four pieces on Nielsen’s first solo release are based on short orchestral and percussive samples manipulated by various synthesizer modules and effects processors. Variations are created by emphasizing different frequencies, harmonics, sections of short loops and the various surprises that result from the idiosyncrasies of each machine.
This vinyl reissue is part of the Black Box series of releases with music & audio originally made for theatre pieces, performances, installations, radio soundtracks, compilations and remix collaborations. The series showcases a more melodic side of Mads Emil Nielsen’s work, who, during recent years, has been focused on more abstract electronic/acoustic material – such as his collaboration with Andrea Neumann and Framework series (graphic scores & recordings).
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