作り方が異常な程にカッコイイ一枚!!カナダのMHIC Company1973年に制作した唯一にしてかなりの激レア盤[Sky Sails]がまさかのCD-R化。作曲家のAnn Southamと詩人sean o huiginの共作で、まだ作りかけ?の様な雰囲気を漂わす度肝抜かれるガッタガタの構成が素晴らしい。マスト。
While we're knocking off personal Holy Grail titles, here's an absolute corker; Ann Southam's 1973 Electronic Realization of the poet sean o huigin's "Sky-Sails." A continuous melding of o huigin's recitation against a coterie of keening, upper-register tweeter-zap electronics - theoretically largely c/o the Moog equipment installed in the University of Toronto's UTEMS - this floats on atonal clusters before erupting into "Persona" -esque thunderclaps of Ring-Modulated & Envelope-Followed voice structures in a manner not all that dissimilar to Ruth White's reading of Baudelaire's "Flowers of Evil", Ralph Swickard's "Sermons of Saint Francis / Hymn of Creation", Herbert Eimert's "Epitaph Für Aikichi Kuboyama", or Ivan Pequeño's "¡Ahora!".
This Creel Pone replica edition nicely encapsulates the entire known Southam / o huigin collaborative effort by including the titular LP, plus both sides of the bonus 7" included with o huigin's 1978 Black Moss Press tome "Poe (Tree)", as well as an excerpt of their music for Aiko Suzuki's "Cricket", written about in detail by o huigin in 1984 in Issue 31 of The Capilano Review as "A Few Sound Thoughts"; the pages in question reproduced herein. There's even a tiny reproduction of the "Sky-Sails" lithograph-insert via watercolor stock; not too shabby.
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