ホーム | -----A > Another TimbreLinda Catlin Smith - Apartment House & Quatuor Bozzini "Drifter" [2CD]

Linda Catlin Smith - Apartment House & Quatuor Bozzini "Drifter" [2CD]

価格: 3,487円(税込)
Label: Another Timbre - at105

これは大推薦!!Another Timbreが新たに始動したカナダの作曲家シリーズ。第1弾は80年代から自国のアヴァン・カセットマガジンMusicworksを監修していた女性作家のLinda Catlin Smithの室内楽作品。Apartment HouseとQuatuor Bozziniという強者集団が約10年掛けて録音した10曲で、内容も小難しい楽曲ばかりでなく非常に入りやすい作品が並んでいます。

The first in the Canadian Composers Series of CDs is a double album of chamber works by Linda Catlin Smith, who was born in New York, but studied in Canada and has lived in Toronto for over 25 years. The album ‘Drifter’ contains ten pieces dating from 1995 to 2015 played by Quatuor Bozzini and Apartment House. In his introductory essay to the booklet accompanying the Canadian Composers CDs, Nick Storring says that “One of the primary tensions in Linda Catlin Smith's music is between its equal and simultaneous drive toward abstraction and lyricism…. Those who gravitate to the alluring melodic contours of Smith’s music and expect it to unfold along familiar lines will struggle when confronted with its lack of dramatic arc or formalised development. Conversely, those who are initially repelled by this same appearance are apt to be won over by its singular lucid-dream atmospherics.”

In this extract from her interview in the Canadian series booklet, Smith talks about the music she liked as a student, and how she moved towards composing by ear rather than using a system or formal compositional method: