幾つかの隠れ名作を残したカナダMelbourneが1974年と75年に制作した二つのシリーズV.A [Electronic Music By Canadian Composers]のVol.1 & 2。恐らくAnn Southam、Michel Longtin位が辛うじて(マニアから)知られているレベル?で、他はどマイナー作曲家といういかにもCreel Poneが選びそうな盤。しかもこのジャケットで音の内容が結構エグかったりするので、その辺のアンバランスさも評価に繋がっている?と思われます。大推薦。
Starting with an amazing, side-length piece by "Sky-Sails" co-author Ann Southam (more about her later in the series) & continuing into work by Violet Archer, Robert Daigneault, Michel Longtin (ditto), Don Druick, Peter Huse, and Reinhard Berg, the nexus of concrète-addled formations and big, drippy Moog Modular stylings - all collected & composed between 1968 & 1972 - is unique in origin and style, running a wide gamut from more drone-oriented works to quite active, edit-heavy assemblage.
"Music Canada Vol XIII, Electronic Music in Canada" is an hour-long radio program, narrated by Norma Beecroft, containing works by Micheline Coulombe Saint-Marcoux, Gustav Ciamaga, Hugh Le Caine, and many others, offering a succinct run-through of contemporaneous styles.
Disc one covers "Electronic Music" Volume 1, A & B, then Volume 2 A; the second disc starts with Volume 2 B, then presents the entirety of "Music Canada Vol XIII, Electronic Music in Canada", edited for track breaks. This makes a great and complete companion with the earlier Creel Pone of "Carrefour" ; a grand presentation of Psychedelic-era Electronic Works.
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