ホーム | -----L > Lovely MusicDavid Tudor "Three Works for Live Electronics" [CD]

David Tudor "Three Works for Live Electronics" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Lovely Music - LCD1601

オリジナルLPは1984年リリース、悶絶級の名ライブエレクトロニクス[Pulsers]を収録したDavid Tudorの大名盤!! 小杉武久が参加した[Untitled]、マースカニングハムの為の[phonemes]を追加収録した充実のリイシューCD。説明不要の超傑作。

Tracks 1 and 2 were released on LP in 1984; track 3 has been added to them for the release of this CD.

This recording of Pulsers, composed in 1976, incorporates an improvised tape by Takehisa Kosugi with his "electronic violin", made in collaboration with this work.

Untitled, composed in 1972, was designed for simultaneous performance with John Cage's vocalization of "Mesostics re Merce Cunningham". The work was revived in 1982, and performed with improvised vocals by Takehisa Kosugi.

Phonemes was commissioned by the Merce Cunningham Dance Company for Cunningham's dance "Channels/Inserts", a work made both as a "filmdance" and for the stage. The first stage performance took place at City Center Theater on March 24, 1981.

Tracks 1 and 2 recorded at Airshaft Studio, NYC.