Broken FlagやADNにも音源を残した1985年結成のイタリアン・ノイズプロジェクトSigillum S。オリジナルは1988年、本国はローマのMisty Circlesよりカセットフォーマットで登場、その後1999年にOld Europa Cafeからヴァイナル化されるも廃盤となっていたレア音源[Klimax Axis]がリマスタリング仕様で初CD化!!最初期の電子ドローンを思わせるプリミティブでラフな持続音をベースに、おぼつかないパターンのランダムビートや飽和したボーカルをドカドカ投下する漆黒の強靭雑音。メインアートワークはそのままに全体をブラックで塗りつぶしたクールな新デザインパッケージ。大推薦。
The work appeared originally in 1988 on cassette (between the first 2 Sigillum S vinyl LPs), thanks to Misty Circles, and was re-released as a limited, vinyl-only edition in 1999 by OEC. After having been available only through DL and streaming for many years, Klimax Axis has now been re-mastered specifically for the disc medium by Eraldo Bernocchi and has been visually enhanced through a blackened repackaging by Petulia Mattioli.
Here Sigillum S started shifting their early drones and layers into concentrated outbursts of maniac consistency, reaching out for initiatory spasms of disjointed rhythms and super saturated vocals:
this CD (even if only in a few copies) gives the chance to cruise again through these peculiar sides of the Sigillum S ever-changing evolution, while caressing a very special, fetish-like artifact… ignore at your own risk!
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