ホーム | -----L > Lovely MusicEliane Radigue "Jetsun Mila" [2CD]

Eliane Radigue "Jetsun Mila" [2CD]

価格: 3,487円(税込)
Label: Lovely Music - LCD2003

フランスの女性電子音楽家Eliane Radigueの、もとは1987年にカセットでリリースされていたかなりの激レア音源[Jetsun Mila]。仏教僧の読経やベルと共に電子ドローンが続けられる、11世紀チベットの偉大なヨガの行者であり詩人の"ミラレパ"にインスパイアされた長編持続音。


Performed (Arp synthesizer) and recorded digitally by Eliane Radigue. 'Jetsun Mila (1986) is inspired by the life of Milarepa, a great yogi and poet of Tibet who lived in the 11th Century. The story of his life as told to his closest disciple, Rechungpa, represents one of the most famous works within Tibetan culture. The Mila Kabum, or Namthar, has been translated into several Western languages, including English and French. Eliane Radigue's 84-minute musical evocation of Milarepa's life is in nine sections, with prelude, which correspond to major periods of the life of this famous yogi. The sections flow from one to the other without breaks, one giving birth naturally to the next.'