ホーム | -----I > Important RecordsEliane Radigue "Triptych" [CD]

Eliane Radigue "Triptych" [CD]

価格: 2,387円(税込)
Label: Important Records - IMPREC260

ミュージック・コンクレートの創始者等に師事しながらも、チベット仏教に深く関係した唯一無二のスタイルで超深淵なドローン作品を提示し続ける女性作家Eliane Radigueによる秘蔵音源が登場。Arp 2500シンセサイザーを用い四大元素を表現した3部構成からなる1978年作「Triptych」の収録で、研ぎすまされた極めてシンプルな持続音がグラグラと脳を揺さぶる最強の内容。巨大なシンセ/電子機器を操作する怪しげな写真が多く掲載されたブックレットも凄い。


Includes liner notes & archival photographs. On the suggestion of Robert Ashley, Douglas Dunn commissioned this piece from Eliane Radigue for choreography. Only the first part of Triptych was staged at the premiere at the Dancehall-Theatre of Nancy on February 27 1978. Recorded in the composer's studio in Paris. After the premiere of Adnos I in San Francisco in 1974, a group of French students introduced Eliane Radigue to Tibetan Buddhism. When she returned to Paris, she began to explore this spirituality in depth, which slowed her musical production up until 1978. Triptych marks her return to composition, and draws its inspiration from the spirit of the fundamental elements, water, air, fire, earth... Eliane Radigue likes to add that this has often been useful to her in her moments of research and transitions. This three-part composition, with its great humility and contemplative simplicity, heralded a new period of work and was the first in a series of masterpieces inspired by Tibetan Buddhism: Adnos II (1980), Adnos III (1981), Songs of Milarepa (1983) - with the voices of Lama Kunga Rinpoche and Robert Ashley -, 'Jetsun Mila' (1986), as well as the Trilogy of Death: Kyema (1988), Kailasha (1991) and Koume (1993). Archival images included in the accompanying booklet.'