ホーム | -----S > Sub RosaV.A "Fluxus & NeoFluxus / Keep Together (Part 2)" [2CD + 72 page booklet]

V.A "Fluxus & NeoFluxus / Keep Together (Part 2)" [2CD + 72 page booklet]

価格: 4,587円(税込)
Label: Sub Rosa

第二弾、メチャクチャ凄いです!!72ページのブックレットが付属するスリップケース入り2CD!!ベルギーの老舗名門Sub Rosaが手掛けるFluxusアーティストの重要アンソロジー!!同レーベルが出版した第一弾はピアノソロ及びアンサンブル録音にフォーカスした内容でしたが、今回は非常に先鋭的な作品ばかりを網羅。ケージの歴史的作品[Mozart Mix]、ラ・モンテ・ヤング[Piano Piece For David Tudor #2]、本人がジョー・ジョーンズのマシンとピアノを使って録音した斉藤陽子の2020年[Untitled]、一柳慧の[In Memoriam Of John Cage]、靉嘔の[Ha He Fu Hi Ho]など、膨大なアーカイブへのアクセスを可能にした決定版。ブックレットの掲載された写真資料も貴重なものばかり。


These two Fluxus editions feature (in alphabetical order):
Eric Andersen, Ay-O, George Brecht, John Cage, Giancarlo Cardini, Giuseppe Chiari, Henning Christiansen, Philip Corner, Öyvind Fahlström, Ken Friedman, Sten Hanson, Geoffrey Hendricks, Dick Higgins, Toshi Ichiyanagi, Joe Jones, Bengt af Klintberg, Milan Knízák, Larry Miller, George Maciunas, Sara Miyamoto, Nam June Paik, Yoko Ono, Opening Performance Orchestra, Benjamin Patterson, Josef Anton Riedl, Terry Riley, Takako Saito, Tomas Schmit, Dieter Schnebel, Mieko Shiomi, Yasunao Tone, Ben Vautier, Yoshi Wada and La Monte Young.
The musicians and performers Anna Clementi, Agnese Toniutti, Deborah Walker, Werner Durand, Luciano Chessa, Miroslav Beinhauer, Petr Bakla, Nicolas Horvath, Petr Ferenc, Premysl Ondra, S.E.M. Ensemble with Petr Kotík, Arditti Quartet, and Brno Contemporary Orchestra with the conductor Pavel Snajdr have played, performed and declaimed the Fluxus pieces. The writers Milan Knízák, Petr Rezek, Petr Kotík, Olaf Hanel, Eric Andersen, Terry Riley, Per Brunskog, Peter van der Meijden, Pavlína Morganová, Natasha Lushetich, Joseph Nechvatal, Natilee Harren, Martin Patrick, Paul Hegarty, and Ken Friedman have written new Fluxus-themed texts.

The Belgian label Sub Rosa provided technical support and a good place for the grand-scale release on 2LPs, 2CDs and digital. The audio restauration and mastering were done by Gabriel Séverin at Laboratoire central, Brussels, and Kakaxa, 3bees, Prague.
Archivio Conz in Berlin provided access to their extensive archives
and Edizioni Conz provided co-production. Ursula and René Block made possible the realisation of John Cage's historical composition Mozart Mix from the Edition Block archive.
The photographic material comes from Marie Knízáková and
Milan Knízák's private archive, the German photographer Wolfgang Träger, Archivio Conz's Fluxus archive, the private archives from diverse Fluxus artists and Opening Performance Orchestra's digital archive. We also received many valuable recommendations and contacts from Jon Hendricks. The cover themes are paintings by Milan Knízák, while the graphic design is the work of Jaroslav Buzek. The whole release is produced by re-set production.