Label: Cuspeditions - CUSP002
これは大推薦。2009年にini.ituからLPデビューを果たしそこから約6年間も沈黙していた、尺八、木管楽器、アナログ電子機器を操る(多分)年配の音楽家3者によるグループTwinkle³。この新作が本当に素晴らしい出来で相当に突き詰めて完成させた印象。ノルウェーのジャズシンガーSidsel Endresenがボーカルで数曲に参加していて、その浮遊感&恐さの絡みが本当に絶妙。マスト。
Twinkle3 have teamed up with Sidsel Endresen, Norwegian singer, avant garde pioneer and Ecm recording artist. The result is Debris In Lower Earth Orbit, a graceful, yet precarious dance through the weightless slipstream of orbital flotsam and jetsam.
The core trio of Richard Scott (analogue synthesizer and electronics), David Ross (Drosscillator, kantele, mbira) and Clive Bell (shakuhachi and other woodwind) conjured 7 distinct sonic landscapes through an intuitive and delicate interplay first honed on their debut for ini.itu ‘Let’s Make A Solar System’. Sidsel's singular interpretation of this material narrates a melancholy, stream of consciousness style wordplay. It was David Sylvian who brought the trio into contact with Sidsel and driving alone across the lonesome northwest recalls the first instance the album poured into his ears from the car: