ホーム | -----C > CuspeditionsLu Katavist "Inburst" [LP]

Lu Katavist "Inburst" [LP]

価格: 2,827円(税込)
Label: Cuspeditions - CUSP001

激シブの抽象アートワークで統一したジャケデザインが印象的なマンチェスターのレーベルCuspeditions。LPフォーマットのみで出版された第一弾作品はドイツ-ケルンのモジュールシンセ作家Lu Katavist。アンサンブルっぽい音色の配置が独特であり、そして何より現音〜アンビエントの中間をフラフラと漂い心地よさを促す様な動きが非常に魅力的な一枚。インサートのアートワークもカッコイイ。

The striking first entry into the CUSP label’s discography comes from Cologne-based sound artist Lu Katavist, employing a variety of synthesizer modules controlled with the Haken Continuum Fingerboard to create a cavernous tapestry of deeply spatial and spectral soundscapes.

Katavist’s (real name Luka Höfler) approach to the material derived on 'Inburst' has been wholly improvisational, but not in any sense traditional. Rather than acquiring any sort of mastery of the equipment chosen to build the sounds heard, Höfler has opted to adopt an almost automatic writing approach to sculpting the material, which he describes as ‘blurring the lines between creating and listening’. The aesthetic goals behind 'Inburst' are two fold; to introduce the Western ear to timbres and melodies more associated with lesser heard xenharmonic scales and to inspire a minds eye landscape for the listener to populate with their own experiences, focusing on scattered and layered frequency bands and melody to create a vibrant and evolving mise-en-scene to paint with.