正式なリリース年は不明らしい(恐らく80年代前半)、INA-GRM系のエレクトロアコースティック作家Michel Redolfiと、70年代よりプロデューサー、サクソフォニストとして活動するAndre Jaumeという、なんとも奇妙な組み合わせで出版された謎多きスプリット盤。なんとAndre JaumeサイドにはギターでJean-Marc Monteraが参加しており巧みなライブサンプリングによるカットアップと即興を、Michel Redolfiサイドは作曲家にしてカウンターテナーの歌い手であるFrank Royon Le Méeの歌声をガッチャガチャに弄り倒したオブスキュアコンクレートを展開。これはかなりの怪盤です。
C.P. reproduction of this obscure early 80s affair between the GRM-aligned French Composer Michel Redolfi and venerable Free Sax proponent André Jaume. Featuring easily the worst cover imaginable (hence its appearance in the maligned 199.x serié) this two-part suite is actually a hidden gem of rogue Acoustic-Electronic interplay & tight, blocky Concrète moves, heavily featuring Redolfi's Synclavier interjections.
The A-Side's Jaume-led suite features a quartet w/ Jean-Marc Montera on guitar, Jacques Diennet on keys, and the Composer on live Synclavier interruptions across three discrete pieces; the three-part "Cupabia", "Opalescence" & "Ballade Pour Hector". Redolfi does wonders for realigning the instrument as a performance solution; his deft live-sampling & re-purposings of the group's squawk & chatter lends to a set of music that shies away from all of the Max Headroom-esque associations.
The B-Side features two of Redolfi's studio pieces utilizing Jaume's reeds & materials read & sung by Lanie Goodman & Frank Royon Le Mée; "Naissance Et Agonie De Ma Lampe De Chevet" ; it's as beguiling and bewitching as his GRM works and/or anything in the "Sonic Waters" series.
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