コレは大推薦!!メンバー5,6名で流動的に動いている、暗黒なリチュアル路線が毎回素晴らしいサンフランシスコに拠点を置く音楽芸術集団Common Eider, King Eider。オリジナルはSentient Ruin Laboratoriesがカセットリリースしていた廃盤音源をCold Springが新たにCDフォーマットで再発したもの。小さな暗がりから徐々にスケールのデカい音場へと移りゆくスローに引き込んでいく展開が上手い全4曲。
The triumphant reawakening of San Francisco’s masters of behemoth ritualistic darkness…
Within “Shrines For The Unwanted, Respite For The Cast Aside”, bone, antler and voice produce connective threads between the worlds, as guitar and percussion punctuate shifts in mood. Voices call to the spirits, and the spirits call back in return. Recorded in 2016 during four private, collective only rituals, the pieces pull the listener through the darkest and most overgrown trails of the blackest forest. Monumental and horizonless ritualistic black ambience. Vocal visitations by A.C. Way of Sutekh Hexen.
Common Eider, King Eider is headed by Rob Fisk (ex-Deerhoof), Andee Connors (A Minor Forest, legendary aQuarius boss).
Spot-varnished digipak.
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