ホーム | -----U > Upside Down RecordingsTELEfono BALAfono / HERBAL RESEARCH "split" [Cassette]

TELEfono BALAfono / HERBAL RESEARCH "split" [Cassette]

価格: 1,397円(税込)
Label: Upside Down Recordings - UDR 05

テープによる実験作を本名で同レーベルからリリースしたCristiano Carosiの変名HERBAL RESEARCH、Nastroにも所属するリズムノイズ作家のFrancesco Petricca、Upside Down Recordingsの軸になっている二人が制作したスプリットカセット。パッケージ通りサイケデリック、ミニマルな印象が強い反復作品。

from an idea by Manuel Cascone and Francesco Petricca

a travel through the human body into the mysteries of the digestive system.
Everyday inside our organism the food is subject to a very long travel,
arduous, a chain of transformations which provides us with nutrition and in
many cases we get benefits from.

The thirthy minutes of "gASTRO" are the input for an estrangement effect into
the surreal journey of the food from the moment we ingest it until its last passage.
The adventures of the chewing, the immersion into the acids of the stomach.
Not just a recording of those internal landscapes, but the auditory transposition
conceived by two visionary minds and fantasies able to transport on the "canvas"
(in our case an audio support) theyr "feeling" with rare and absolute expressive