ホーム | -----S > Silentes Minimal EditionsDaimon "Dust" [CD]

Daimon "Dust" [CD]

価格: 2,277円(税込)
Label: Silentes Minimal Editions - sme1866

81年に結成されたインダストリアルグループTomografia Assiale Computerizzata(T.A.C.)のメンバーであるベテランSimon Balestrazzi核に同国のPaolo Monti、Nicola Quiriconiらが参加したトリオユニットDaimon。この所好調な13と同じくSilentesのサブレーベルであるSilentes Minimal Editionsから出た注目の一枚。分厚く重厚な持続音&サウンドスケープに、オールドスクールなインダストリアル色をゆっくりと絡めていく圧巻の展開。ウィリアム・バシンスキーのコンサートのオープニングなども務めている模様。大推薦。

Formed in 2016, DAIMON is the trio of Nicola Quiriconi (VipCancro, Lisca Records), Paolo Monti (The Star Pillow) and Simon Balestrazzi (Dream Weapon Ritual, Hidden Reverse, T.A.C., A Sphere of Simple Green, Candor Chasma, etc.). Following their somber debut released in late 2016 by Metzger Therapie, "Dust", with it's many unexpected sides, is the outcome of an intense recording session that took place at the end of last year european tour, which had its peak with DAIMON opening William Basinski's Berlin concerts. Devoted to a vibrant and majestic personal form of drone music, DAIMON are exploring new depths as well as highly dynamic soundscapes that will surround you with their overwhelming sense of fluttering memories. Like dust covering an already gone present or a table perpetually set for guests belonging already to the past.