ホーム | -----R > Re:VoirPatrick Bokanowski "Un Reve Solaire" [Blu-Ray + PAL DVD]

Patrick Bokanowski "Un Reve Solaire" [Blu-Ray + PAL DVD]

価格: 4,697円(税込)
Label: Re:Voir

傑作フィルム"天使"で知られるPatrick & Michele Bokanowski夫妻コンビの、Re:Voir制作によるBlu-Ray + DVD両フォーマットコンボ第二弾作!! 本作は割と最近2015〜2016年にかけて制作された63分の長編映画[Un Reve Solaire]。スタジオ撮影の"天使"とは異なり主に俳優らの独創的なリアルショットで構成されたものですが、とにかく濃過ぎるイメージの連続は天使同様の凄まじいインパクト。Micheleの音楽も重要な役割を担っています。2017年のボーナスフィルムを収録、16ページのブックレット付き。

The second and latest feature film by Patrick Bokanowski (2015-2016), published for the first time in a DVD-Blu-Ray combo.

Unlike "L'ange," shot in the studio, "Un rêve solaire" is largely made up of real shots. The actors are no longer played under masks. The actors are us, spectators of unknown representations, or maybe even stellar spectators, a crowd of anonymous spectators standing out on skies of fire and water, but surely a part of a childhood dream during a journey by train.

"There are not, or very few, words in my films. The music of Michèle Bokanowski plays a decisive role because it tells in its own way and in counterpoint what images or characters do not say."
- Patrick Bokanowski

"'Un rêve solaire' tells, concretely, of a struggle between shadow and light. These two simultaneous movements give the film its dynamic principle and its plastic energy."
- Jacques Kermabon


''Un rêve solaire''; Patrick Bokanowski (2015-2016), HD video, color, sound, 63 '

Bonus: ''Patrick Bokanowski - Genesis of 'Un rêve solaire''', Pip Chodorov, 2017, HD video, color, sound, 7 '