現在はフリージャズ/即興ものを手掛けるレーベルA New Wave Of Jazzのオーナーとして知られる、1980年代半ばに登場し初期はノイズ /インダストリアルの脈で活動、その後独自のアンビエント路線を追求していったベルギーの作曲家Vidna ObmanaことDirk Serries。氏の真骨頂と言える、40年以上に渡り継続してきたアンビエンスなスタイルのみで完成させた2023年タイトル[The Disintegration Of Silence]を入荷。本作のコラージュアートワークを担当したStefano Gentileの世界観に触発された音源で構成、コンピューターを一切使用せずエレクトリックギターのみで仕上げたストレートな表現が絶妙。28ページブックにはアートワークを掲載。
Stefano Gentile and Dirk Serries met almost thirty years ago when Stefano’s Amplexus label released Vidna Obmana’s seminal classic "The Transcending Quest" on a limited 3” CD. Fast forward twenty years later, after the ending of Dirk Serries’ critically acclaimed Vidna Obmana project, Stefano and Dirk, under his own name, regathered with another gem "The Devastation Chant", a limited 8” lathe cut and a 10” vinyl on Gentile’s new label Silentes/13 that featured Stefano’s own impressive collage artwork. Now again, after four years, Dirk Serries, fully operational under his own name as a free (jazz) improviser, frequently returns to his trademark ambient music while continuing to push himself as an artist and sound sculptor.
The Disintegration Of Silence is Dirk’s new album that, partially inspired by the melancholic collage artwork of Stefano Gentile, plays with the sounds he has been recognized and appreciated worlwide for almost four decades, while - so typical for Dirk’s ongoing knack for adventure - expanding the comfort of his ambience with alienating analog and real-time treatments. An album that has been performed solely on electric guitar in conjunction with plenty of pedal effects and absolutely no computers. Enjoy this breathtaking work of melancholy and introspection, marking it another milestone in the collaboration between Stefano Gentile and Dirk Serries.
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