スウェーデンの小さな漁師町スモーゲンにて活動したギタープレイヤーのStaffan Harde。72年にSJRに残した知る人ぞ知る唯一のレア音源が40年以上の時を経て初リイシュー。Staffan Hardeの家族、そしてこの盤を昔から愛聴していた同国スウェーデンのMats Gustafssonの協力を得て再発に至ったCorbett vs. Dempseyによる初CD化版。ドン・チェリーとも密な関係にあったストックホルムの名パーカッショニスト べングト・ベルガー参加の楽曲を含む6曲からなり、とにかく虚ろな奏法&音像コントロールが非常に秀逸で、またどこかユニーク、不思議なアプローチとしても捉える事が出来るかなりの名演揃い。カッチリとしたダブルジャケ。
Based on the tiny Swedish fishing island of Smogen, guitarist Staffan Harde created a wholly unique and wondrous approach to his instrument, documented assiduously on hand-made reel-to-reel tapes and this lone LP from 1972, which features Harde solo and with small groups. His accomplices included pianist Lars Sjösten, bassist Lars-Urban Helje, and the acclaimed percussionist Bengt Berger, one of Don Cherry's close associates. The music presented on this extremely rare record is unusually singular. With an unadorned guitar tone, simple and straightforward, and low action, Harde's slinky, spidery runs and knotty, weirdly shaped chords have a surprisingly fresh sound four decades after he recorded them, with heavy chromaticism and a defiant rhythmic freedom. Basically unknown since this lone release, which he thought would gain more traction than it did, Harde retreated to work in a bakery on the island. A testament to both his strangeness and his brilliance, the eponymous LP has never before been issued. Corbett vs. Dempsey worked with Harde's family and saxophonist Mats Gustafsson, a huge Harde fan who lovingly produced the CD reissue for CvsD.
1. Substance I (2:53)
2. Incitement (4:18)
3. Bigaroon (2:49)
4. Substance II (10:52)
5. Cordial L (7:17)
6. Electrification (12:16)
Track 1 recorded by Staffan Harde in Smögen, Sweden, November 12, 1971.
Track 4 recorded by Staffan Harde in Smögen, Sweden, February or March, 1968.
Tracks 2, 3, 5, 6, recorded by Leif A. Johnsson, September 19, 1971, in Göteborg, Sweden.
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