ホーム | -----B > BackwardsControl Unit "Bloody Language" [7"]

Control Unit "Bloody Language" [7"]

価格: 1,397円(税込)
Label: Backwards - BW13

80年代サンフランシスコを代表する伝説的バンド"Factrix"と共作を発表する等、オールドスクールな路線も取り込みつつ活動するSilvia Kastel & Ninni MorgiaのインダストリアルデュオControl Unit。ドラムにGiorgio Manigliaを迎え録音したという、最もキラーなショート・トラック[Bloody Language]、[Alarm!]、[Forbidden Thoughts]を纏めた濃密な7インチ。コレは大推薦。

"Bloody Language" is the new CONTROL UNIT single and represents a new phase of the band after exploring various forms of improvisation and after they has experimented with a large range of dynamics and tonal variety, are now composing their songs reconnecting to the tradition of rock 'n' roll in all facets (psychedelia, industrial, punk, no wave ...).
Three new exclusive killer tracks!!! Released in two different vinyl colours (clear green and standard black), with a silkscreened jacket!