Label: Senufo Editions - senufo edition42
レーベルArborやEkheinなど、恐らくアンビエントドローン方面でも有名と思われる作家RaleがSenufo Editionsのラインナップに登場。美麗な持続音だけで組み立てるというモノではなく長い周期にてサイレントを挟み込みながら展開するという、もろこのレーベルのイメージに則した作風になっています。限定220。
Probability A collects three pieces composed by William Hutson between 2009 and 2012. Over the past seven years Hutson’s project Rale has evolved to incorporate more negative space into the music. The three pieces herein contained were recorded as proofs-of-concept; they are tracks that Hutson made to loop indefinitely in his house as he built up the courage to use long silences in what is supposed to be a noise/drone act.
William Hutson began recording and performing as Rale in 2006. He has released music on Monorail Trespassing, Isounderscore, NNA Tapes, Arbor, Ekhein and Weird Forest. He lives in Los Angeles, California.
Letterpress sleeve printed by Ben Owen / Middle Press. Numbered edition of 220 copies.