ホーム | -----T > TouchIpek Gorgun "Ecce Homo" [CD]

Ipek Gorgun "Ecce Homo" [CD]

価格: 2,497円(税込)
Label: Touch - Tone106

本作メチャクチャかっこ良いです!! 現在イスタンブール工科大学の音楽研究センターで博士課程に在籍しているという若き女性作曲家Ipek Gorgun。人間の精神や行動、存在の明るさ暗さ、美しさや破壊をコンセプトに作り上げたというクールな電子音楽アルバム[Ecce Homo]。試聴では少しアンビエント寄りな路線を感じますが、アルバムとしては非常に強靭で時折エグさも出現する絶対的に玄人好みの一枚です。通常よりサイズが大きい大判紙スリーヴ。

Ipek Gorgun's Ecce Homo explores the lighter and darker shades of the human psyche, behavior, and existence, and humanity's ability to create beauty and destruction. What lies in the essence of such complexity has become a core idea for the album, while Gorgun seeks to figure out if there is a true meaning to being human, and human being. Starting with "Neroli" as a human fascination with nature and finalizing with "To Cross Great Rivers"; a never-ending, hopeless dream of the mankind to conquer and control the world, the album reflects the contemplations of a spectator being exposed to the human civilization, and witnessing human activity, including his/her own. Trying to acquire a glimpse of the multiple layers of such narrative, the sound of the album aims to present a diversity of the sonic spectrum, with tracks varying between ambient and noisy landscapes. Ipek Gorgun is an electronic music composer currently enrolled in the doctoral program of Sonic Arts at Istanbul Technical University's Center for Advanced Studies in Music. After graduating from Bilkent University with a degree in political science, she completed her Master's degree studies in philosophy at Galatasaray University. As a bass player and vocalist for projects and bands such as Bedroomdrunk and Vector Hugo between 2001-2013, she also performed in an opening gig for Jennifer Finch from L7 and Simon Scott from Slowdive, as well as performing live with David Brown from Brazzaville. Besides group projects and solo performances, she also composed the soundtrack for the documentary Yok Anasinin Soyadi (Mrs. His Name) directed by Hande Cayir in 2012, portraying Turkish women's struggle for keeping their original surnames after marriage. Her debut album Aphelion was self-released in February, 2016. In 2017, she released a collaborative album from Halocline Trance, with Canadian producer Ceramic TL (aka Egyptrixx) entitled Perfect Lung (HTRA 007LP). Ipek Gorgun also practices performance, street, and abstract photography.